Cardassian Union
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- Full name: Cardassian Union
- Center of government: Cardassia Prime
- Currency: Lek (VOY: "Caretaker"; DS9 Novel: Avatar, Book One)
- Population largely comprised of Cardassians
- Established c.19th century (DS9: "Defiant")
- Successor nation to the First Republic (DS9: "Destiny")
- Territory spans at least 600 light years by 2357 (VOY Novel: Mosaic)
- Arias Expedition extended 600 light years from Deep Space 7 per text
- Given that Cardassian territory borders Federation by 2357, likely involved deep-space expedition to far end of Cardassian space
- Nation
- c.19th century - 2373: Independent (TLE Novel: Day of the Vipers)
- 2373 - 2375: Dominion
- 2375 - Present: Independent
Bordering territories
- Breen Confederacy
- Bordering by 2318 (TLE Novel: Day of the Vipers)
- Talarian Republic
- Bordering by 2318 (TLE Novel: Day of the Vipers)
- Tzenkethi Coalition
- Bordering by 2318 (TLE Novel: Day of the Vipers)
- United Federation of Planets
- Expansion reached Federation territory 2320s
- c.19th century: Established as a collective entity founded via the three sects of Cardassian society: the masses (comprising the Detapa Council), the elite families (comprising the Obsidian Order), and the military (comprising Central Command) (ENT Novel: Uncertain Logic)
- Mid-to-late 2320s: First diplomatic contact with Federation. (TTN Novel: Taking Wing)
- Occurred during the administration of President Thelian, 2324-2332, per text
- 2328: Annexation of B'hava'el system (DS9: "Emissary")
- 2371: Collapse of the Obsidian Order following the disastrous joint operation with the Tal Shiar against the Dominion leads to internal strife between Detapa Council and Central Command (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")
- 2372: Detapa Council establishes effective control over government, overthrowing de facto military rule (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")
- 2373: Membership into Dominion (DS9: "By Inferno's Light")
- 2375: Government collapse following Cardassian massacre by Dominion forces (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")
- 2376: Government re-established following aid from allied powers (DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Twilight)
- Cardassian territory divided temporarily into protectorates managed by Federation, Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire, until Cardassian Union able to resume governing (S31 Novel: Abyss)
Political Structure
- Pre-Dominion
- Initially divided into three agencies
- Originated from three bodies of Cardassian society: the masses, the elite families, and the military (ENT Novel: Uncertain Logic)
- Detapa Council
- Civilian governing body
- Held de jure oversight over Central Command and the Obsidian Order
- In practice these bodies operated independently by mid-24th century (DS9: "Defiant")
- Soul governing body by early 2372 (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")
- Central Command
- Military governing body
- De facto ruling body by early 24th century (TNG: "Chain of Command, Part II")
- Unlikely to be later than that due to Bajoran Occupation
- De facto ruling body by early 24th century (TNG: "Chain of Command, Part II")
- Military governing body
- Obsidian Order
- Initially divided into three agencies
- Post-Dominion
- Head of State
- Castellan
- Head of State