United Earth
- Full name: United Earth
- Center of government: Earth
- Established 2130
- First formed under the Traité d'Unification (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Full unification of Earth occurred July 14, 2150, with the last holdout nations signing the Traité d'Unification (S31 Novel: Control)
- Core territory consists of the Sol system, excepting Mars
- Many stations and facilities in Sol are jointly run by United Earth and the Confederated Martian Colonies
- Initially a reluctant client state of the Confederacy of Vulcan in interstellar affairs
- Founding member of the Coalition of Planets (ENT Novel: The Good That Men Do)
- Founding member of the Federation
- Officially considered the first member via signing order
- Councillor Haroun al-Rashid (2161 - 2164) (ENT Novel: A Choice of Futures; ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
- Councillor Percival Kimbridge (2164 - ) (ENT Novel: Tower of Babel)
- Councillor Jonathan Archer (2175 - 2184) (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly")
- Councillor Siobhan Tilly ( - 2248 - 2249 - ) (DIS Novel: The Way to the Stars)
- Councillor Matthew Mazibuko ( - 2376 - 2380 - ) (DS9 Novel: Trill: Unjoined; Novel: Articles of the Federation)
- Officially considered the first member via signing order
Political Structure
- Federated parliamentary government
- Defined by the United Earth constitution (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- Individual member states still function as semi-independent bodies
- Functions under a socialist economy based on distribution of resources by need rather than wealth
- Transition completed late-22nd century (VOY: "Dark Frontier")
- Not strictly post-scarcity until development of the replicator
- Moneyless economy on Earth established by "Dark Frontier", but seemingly not Federation-wide until 24th century
- Executive
- Prime Minister serves as head of government (ENT: "Demons", "Terra Prime"; ENT Novel: The Good That Men Do, Kobayashi Maru, Beneath the Raptor's Wing, To Brave the Storm)
- United Earth Prime Ministers
- Guided by cabinet of advisors, known as secretaries
- Secretary of the Defense (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- Executive functions within the parliament divided into ministries, each led by a minister of the legislature
- Presumed by Minister Littlejohn being a member of the legislative body by Beneath the Raptor's Wing, possibly based on Westminster system of government
- Ministry of the Interior (ENT Novel: The Good That Men Do, Kobayashi Maru, Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- Enforcement and oversight divided into bureaus
- Bureau of Extraterrestrial Resource Extraction (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
- President serves as head of state (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
- Prime Minister serves as head of government (ENT: "Demons", "Terra Prime"; ENT Novel: The Good That Men Do, Kobayashi Maru, Beneath the Raptor's Wing, To Brave the Storm)
- Legislature
- United Earth Parliament (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
- Bicameral body consisting of elected ministers (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing, To Brave the Storm)
- United Earth Parliament (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
- Two military bodies prior to Federation membership
- Earth Starfleet - Space-based defense
- Military Assault Command Operations - Planetary defense
- United Earth Space Probe Agency - civilian space exploration body
- Earth Security Agency - United Earth intelligence agency (ENT Novel: Patterns of Interference)
- Existed as an international cooperative prior to incorporation of United Earth, taken under United Earth jurisdiction upon incorporation
- Often participated closely with Earth Starfleet on equal footing
- Earth Cargo Service - United Earth merchant marine