Richard Galen
- Full Name: Richard Galen
- Species: Human
- Gender: Male
- Several children (TNG: "The Chase")
- Considered the preeminent archaeologist of the 24th century (TNG Novel: The Buried Age); TNG: "The Chase")
- By 2323: Professor of archaeology, Starfleet Academy (TNG Novel: The Buried Age)
- By 2355: Independent study across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants (TNG Novel: The Buried Age)
- Studies continued through to his death (TNG: "The Chase")
- Author, Toward a Prehistory of the Milky Way (TNG Novel: Greater Than the Sum)
- Death: Late September 2369, interstellar space (TNG: "The Chase")
- Killed by Yridian mercenaries hired by the Cardassian Union during his investigation into the first humanoids (TNG: "The Chase")