Romulan Praetors
- Pontilus
- First praetor of the Empire (ENT Novel: Kobayashi Maru)
- D'deridex's father
- - c.2090 - (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- Date by occupation of Haakona, ordered under his rule
- Likely near the start of reign, as it was described as "part of his perceived mandate"
- Immediately prior to D'deridex (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- - c.2090 - (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- D'deridex
- - 2155 - 2156 (ENT Novel: Kobayashi Maru, Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- Karzan tr'Hveinn
- 2156 - 2161 - (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
- Vrax
- - 2265 - 2268 (VAN Novel: Summon the Thunder)
- Dralath
- - 2344 (TOS Novel: Vulcan's Heart, Vulcan's Soul: Epiphany; Lost Era Novel: The Art of the Impossible)
- Narviat
- 2344 - 2374 (TOS Novel: Vulcan's Heart, Vulcan's Soul: Epiphany; Lost Era Novel: The Art of the Impossible)
- Neral
- 2374 - 2377 (DS9 Short Story: "Tales of the Dominion War: Blood Sacrifice"; DS9: "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges"; TOS Novel: Vulcan's Soul: Exodus, Vulcan's Soul: Epiphany))
- Hiren
- 2377 - 2379 (Star Trek: Nemesis)