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  • Full name: Vrax
  • Species: Romulan
  • Gender: Male
  • By 2154: Senator, Romulan Star Empire; Romulan Senate (ENT: "United", "The Aenar")
  • November 16, 2154: Arrested, imprisoned for failure to disrupt Earth/Andor/Tellar diplomatic relations (ENT: "The Aenar")
  • February 2155: Granted clemency from execution by Proconsul T'Leikha on request of Admiral Valdore tr'Irrhaimehn (ENT Novel: The Good That Men Do)
  • March 2156: Released from imprisonment by Praetor Karzan on request of Admiral Valdore tr'Irrhaimehn (ENT Novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
  • By November 2265: Praetor, Romulan Star Empire (VAN Novel: Summon the Thunder)