Deep Space 9
- Class: Nor
- Located in B'hava'el system (DS9)
- Constructed in orbit of Bajor
- Moved to position in Denorios Belt near Bajoran Wormhole May 2369 (DS9: "Emissary")
- Constructed 2346 (DS9: "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night"; S31 Novel: Abyss)
- Originally designated Terok Nor
- Ore processing plant constructed by Cardassian Guard to facilitate resource extraction during Bajoran Occupation
- Cardassian Union relinquished control April 2369 following end of Occupation
- Control transitioned to joint Starfleet/Bajoran Militia command
- Redesignated Deep Space 9 upon transition
- Destroyed August 27, 2383 (TP Novel: Plagues of Night, Raise the Dawn)
- Lost in combat with Typhon Pact forces following sabotage of fusion reactors, failure of reactor ejection system (TP Novel: Plagues of Night)
- Total casualties: 1,091
Cardassian Guard Crew
Command crew
- Station commander
- 2346 - 2369: Skrain Dukat
- Second in command
- 2346 - 2348: Coran Damar
- - 2363 - : NFN Hadar
Department heads
- Security chief
- - 2353 - 2365: Thrax Sa'kat
- 2365 - 2369: Odo
Starfleet/Bajoran Militia Crew
Command crew
- Commanding officer
- 2369 - 2374: Benjamin Sisko
- 2374 - 2375: Kira Nerys
- 2375: Benjamin Sisko
- 2375 - 2378: Kira Nerys
- 2378 - 2379: Elias Vaughn
- 2379 - 2383: Ro Laren
- Executive officer
- 2369 - 2375: Kira Nerys
- 2370: Li Nalas
- 2376: Tiris Jast
- 2376 - 2378: Elias Vaughn
- 2378 - 2379: Ro Laren
- 2379 - 2383: Cenn Desca
- 2369 - 2375: Kira Nerys
Department heads
- Chief operations officer
- 2369 - 2375: Miles O'Brien
- 2375 - 2379: Nog
- Chief medical officer, Bajoran Militia
- - 2374 - 2376 - : Girani Semna
- Chief medical officer, Starfleet
- 2369 - 2383: Julian Bashir
- Chief science officer
- 2369 - 2374: Jadzia Dax
- 2376: Thirishar ch'Thane
- - 2383: John Candlewood
- Chief of security
- 2369 - 2375: Odo
- 2376 - 2377: Ro Laren
- 2377 - 2382: Evik Nath
- 2382 - 2383: Jefferson Blackmer
- Counselor
- 2375 - 2376: Ezri Dax
- 2376 - : Phillipa Matthias
Engineering division
- Communications officer
- - 2376 - : NFN Selzner
- Engineer
- - 2376: Turo Ane
- - 2376 - : NFN Ahzed
- - 2376 - : NFN Chavez
- - 2376 - : Mikaela Leishman
- - 2376 - : NFN McAllister
- - 2376 - : Gan Morr
- - 2376 - : NFN Nguyen
- - 2376 - : Bryanne Permenter
- - 2376 - : Jason Senkowski
- - 2376 - : Terek
- Operations officer
- - 2376 - : Cathy Ling
- Transporter chief
- - 2376 - : Jeannette Chao
Medical division
- Assistant chief medical officer, Starfleet
- - 2374 - 2376 - : Simon Tarses
- Nurse
- - 2376 - : Edgardo Juarez
- - 2376 - : Krissten Richter
Science division
- Science officer
- - 2376 - : John Candlewood - Computer programming
- - 2376 - : NFN Cassini
- - 2376 - : T'rb
- Lab technician
- - 2376: Monyodin
Security and tactical division
- Security officer
- 2369 - 2376 - : Shul Torem
- - 2376: Cryan NFN
- - 2376: Setrin Yeta
- - 2376: Wasa Graim
- - 2376 - : NFN Alfonzo
- - 2376 - : NFN Costello
- - 2376 - : Etana Jol
- - 2376 - : NFN Gordimer
- - 2376 - : Hava NFN
- - 2376 - : Aaron McCallum
- 2376: NFN Devro
- Tactical officer
- - 2376 - : Sam Bowers
- - 2376 - : Kaitlin Merimark
- - 2376 - : Tariq Rahim
- - 2371 - 2373 - : Vilix'pran
- - 2376 - : Aleco Vel
- - 2376 - : NFN Beyer
- - 2376 - : NFN Cassini
- - 2376 - : NFN Lankford
- - 2376 - : M'Nok
- - 2376 - : John Tiklak
- 2369 - 2376 - : Shul Aba - Shrine caretaker\
- 2370 - 2376 - : Kaga - Chef
- - 2376: Alle Tol - Engineering expert
- - 2376 - : Claudia NLN - Child
- - 2376 - : NLN Gavi - Teacher
- - 2376 - : Joshua NLN - Teacher
- - 2376 - : NLN Mireh - Child
- - 2376 - : Broik - Server
- - 2376 - : Frool - Server
- - 2376 - : Grimp - Server
- - 2376 - : Kanton NFN - Prylar
- - 2376 - : Shoka Pian - Communications consultant
- 2376 - : NLN Hetik - Dabo boy
- 2376 - : Hatram Nabir - Seamstress
- 2376 - : Treir - Dabo girl/bar manager
Support vessels
- Assigned vessels
- 2371 - 2375: USS Defiant (NX-74205)
- 2375 - 2383: USS Defiant (NCC-74205-A)
- Runabouts
- 2369: USS Yangtzee Kiang (NCC-72453)
- 2369 - 2370: USS Ganges (NCC-72454)
- 2369 - 2371: USS Mekong (NCC-72617)
- 2369 - Present: USS Rio Grande (NCC-72452)
- 2370 - 2372: USS Orinoco (NCC-72905)
- - 2371 - 2373: USS Yukon (NCC-74602)
- - 2372 - 2377 - : USS Volga (NCC-73196)
- 2371 - 2383: USS Rubicon (NCC-72936)
- 2371 - 2377: USS Platte
- - 2373 - 2374: USS Shenandoah (NCC-73024)
- - 2375: USS Gander
- - 2376: USS Sungari
- - 2376 - 2377: USS Euphrates
- - 2376 - 2383: USS Brahmaputra
- 2376 - 2377 - : USS Yolja (NCC-75353)
Promenade Occupants
- Infirmary
- Security office
- 2360 - 2383: Quark's Bar, Grill, Embassy, Gaming House, and Holosuite Arcade (DS9)
- 2368 - 2375: Garak's Clothiers (DS9)
- - 2369 - 2383: Replimat (DS9)
- Self-serve replicator dining
- 2369 - 2371: Schoolroom (DS9)
- Led by Keiko O'Brien
- 2370 - 2376 - : Klingon restaurant (DS9)
- Owned and operated by Kaga
- 2372: Celestial Cafe (DS9: "Broken Link")
- Bajoran restaurant
- Owned and operated by Chalan Aroya
- - 2376 - : T'Pril's (DS9 Novel: Avatar, Book One)
- Vulcan restaurant
- - 2376 - : Arboretum (DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: This Gray Spirit)
- 2376 - : Hatram Nabir's seamstress shop (DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Twilight)