Even Odds

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Revision as of 23:05, 5 April 2021 by Idran (talk | contribs)
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  • Name: Even Odds
  • Private transport (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
  • Presumed to be constructed c.late-22nd century (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
    • Still active by April 2376 (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
  • Statistics
    • Length: 150m
    • Width: 120m
    • Height: 60m
    • Mass: 300,000mt
    • Crew capacity: 60 (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
      • Capable of being controlled by a single individual (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
    • At cruising speed, takes three months to travel "almost a hundred parsecs" (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
    • Armament
      • Minimal weaponry (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
      • High shield capacity (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
  • Layout
    • Four decks (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
      • Decks identified by letters (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
    • At least three shuttle bays (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
    • Deck A
      • Bridge (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
    • Deck B
      • Mess (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
      • Quarters (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
      • Actuality-Web Room 1-3 (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
    • Deck C
      • Maintenance (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
    • Deck D
      • Maintenance (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)

The Wa

  • Subspace pocket serving as a subdeck "between" decks C and D (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
    • Purpose, function unclear (DS9 Novel: Rising Son)
