Alexander Rozhenko
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- Full Name: Worf
- Born: 2366 (TNG: "Reunion")
- Species: Klingon/Human hybrid
- Maternal grandmother was human
- Gender: Male
- Father: Worf
- Mother: K'Ehleyr
- 2367: Resident; Russia, Earth (TNG: "Reunion")
- Residing with Sergey and Helena Rozhenko (TNG: "Reunion")
- 2368: Resident; USS Enterprise (TNG: "New Ground")
- 2371: Resident; Russia, Earth (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")
- Residing with Sergey and Helena Rozhenko (TNG: "Reunion")
- By 2374: Bekk, Klingon Defense Force; IKS Korvak (TNG Novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace)
- By 2374: Bekk, Klingon Defense Force; IKS Rotarran (DS9: "Sons and Daughters")
- 2374: Bekk, Klingon Defense Force; IKS Ya'Vang (DS9: "Penumbra")
- By June 2378: Bekk, weapons officer, Klingon Defense Force; IKS Ya'Vang (DS9: "Penumbra"; TNG Novel: A Time to Kill)
- November 2378: Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire (TNG Novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace; Novel: Articles of the Federation)