Ferenginar-Bajor War

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Before the War

  • Ferengi/Bajor relations purposefully degraded through actions of Grand Nagus Zek over sale of a rediscovered orb in order to drive later future profits (DS9 Novel: The 34th Rule)
  • Degraded relations included explusion of all Ferengi nationals from Bajoran space, Ferengi blockade of Bajor (DS9 Novel: The 34th Rule)
  • Following purchase by Bajor of three dozen spacegoing vessels from Yridian agents to challenge blockade, a largely fraudulent conflict between two such vessels and the FMS Neemis seemed to result in the death of near all hands aboard that vessel (DS9 Novel: The 34th Rule)

Core forces

Major Events

October 8, 2372

  • In response to the (falsified) death of the crew of the FMS Neemis, Grand Nagus Zek officially declared war against the Third Republic of Bajor. (DS9 Novel: The 34th Rule)

October 13, 2372

  • The war is ended after only a brief exchange of fire with no casualties, via the sale of the orb to the Third Republic of Bajor in exchange for the originally-offered price, plus the full fleet of vessels purchased from the Yridians previously. (DS9 Novel: The 34th Rule)