Kazon Order

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  • Full name: Kazon Order
  • Center of government: N/A
  • Population largely comprised of Kazon
    • Trabe slaves often kept in Kazon installations (VOY Novel: Mosaic)
  • Established 2346 (VOY: "Initiations")
  • Nomadic power spanning large swathe of Delta Quadrant
  • No true political organization
    • Formed of numerous disparate sects often dividing or coalescing through internal conflict


  • 2346: Formed under the leadership of Jal Sankar upon the overthrowing of their Trabe oppressors (VOY: "Alliances")

Political Structure

  • Divided into numerous sects
    • 18 as of 2372 (VOY: "Alliances")
    • Each sect led by a First Maje
      • Upon the death of a First Maje, their second-in-command takes the role (VOY: "Initiations")
    • Known sects
      • Kazon-Halik (VOY: "Basics, Part I")
      • Kazon-Hobii (VOY: "Maneuvers", "Alliances")
        • First Maje
        • One of the weaker sects by the 2370s (VOY: "Maneuvers")
      • Kazon-Mostral (VOY: "Maneuvers", "Alliances")
        • First Maje
        • One of the weaker sects by the 2370s (VOY: "Maneuvers")
      • Kazon-Nistrim (VOY)
        • First Maje
          • c.late 2340s: Grandfather of Jal Cullah (VOY: "Maneuvers")
          • - 2371 - 2373 - : Jal Cullah
        • Formerly one of the most powerful sects, but in severe decline by the 2370s (VOY: "Maneuvers")
          • Fewer than seven ships by 2372 (VOY: "Maneuvers")
        • Sworn enemies of the Ogla, Relora (VOY: "Initiations", "Maneuvers")
      • Kazon-Ogla (VOY: "Caretaker", "Initiations")
        • First Maje
        • One of the largest and most powerful sects as of early 2370s
        • Sworn enemies of the Relora, Nistrim (VOY: "Initiations")
      • Kazon-Oglamar (VOY: "Maneuvers", "Alliances")
        • First Maje
        • Due to similarity in garb, name, potentially a breakaway sect from the Kazon-Ogla
        • One of the weaker sects by the 2370s (VOY: "Maneuvers")
      • Kazon-Pommar (VOY: "Alliances")
      • Kazon-Relora (VOY: "Initiations", "Maneuvers", "Alliances")
        • First Maje
        • One of the largest and most powerful sects as early 2370s
        • Sworn enemies of the Ogla, Nistrim (VOY: "Initiations", "Maneuvers")
      • Kazon-Vistik (VOY Novel: Mosaic)