Mackenzie Calhoun

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  • Full Name: Mackenzie Calhoun
    • Formerly known as: M'k'n'zy of Calhoun
  • Born: c.2334; Calhoun, Xenex
  • Species: Xenexian
  • Gender: Male
  • Father tortured to death by officials of the Danteri Empire (NF Novel: House of Cards)
  • Brother: D'ndai
  • c.2353: Leader of the Xenexian revolution against occupation of the Danteri Empire (NF Novel: House of Cards)
  • April 2354: Cadet, Starfleet Academy (NF Novel: Stone and Anvil)
    • First Xenexian in Starfleet
  • By c.2367: Executive officer, Starfleet; USS Grissom (NF Novel: House of Cards)
    • Court martialed c.2367 after unspecified disaster (NF Novel: House of Cards)
  • c.2367: Leave of absence from Starfleet following court martial (NF Novel: House of Cards)
    • Begins civilian service as field agent for Admiral Alynna Nechayev during leave (NF Novel: House of Cards)
  • November 29, 2373: Captain, commanding officer, Starfleet; USS Excalibur (NCC-26517) (NF Novel: House of Cards)
  • March 2376: Captain, commanding officer, Starfleet; USS Excalibur (NCC-26517-A) (DS9 Novel: Demons of Air and Darkness)