Mark Johnson

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  • Full Name: Mark Hobbes William Johnson (VOY Novel: Mosaic)
  • Born: c.2334 (VOY Novel: Mosaic)
  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Fiancee: Kathryn Janeway (2371)
    • Engagement ended upon presumed death of Kathryn Janeway following the loss of USS Voyager in the Delta Quadrant (VOY: "Hunters")
  • By 2344: Resident; Indiana, United States of America, Earth (VOY Novel: Mosaic)
  • By 2353: Student, Indiana University (VOY Novel: Mosaic)
  • By 2359: Member, Questor Group (VOY Novel: Mosaic)
  • By 2371: Botanist and horticulturist; Earth (VOY Short Story: "Letting Go"; VOY Novel: Homecoming)