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  • Appearance: Mammalian
    • Orange skin (TNG Novel: Resistance)
    • Opaque-white eyes (TNG Novel: Resistance)
    • Gangly build (TNG Novel: Resistance)
    • Little individual variation (TNG Novel: Resistance)
  • Homeworld: Repok (TNG Novel: Resistance)
  • Technological notes
    • Warp capable: c.2379 (TNG Novel: Resistance)
      • First-generation warp drive as of late 2379 (TNG Novel: Resistance)
  • Cultural notes
    • Generally values personal independence coupled with social cooperation (TNG Novel: Resistance)
    • Isolationist (TNG Novel: Resistance)
      • Derived from a desire to be undisturbed rather than through xenophobic tendencies (TNG Novel: Resistance)
      • Little to no interest in how external contributions could benefit their society (TNG Novel: Resistance)
    • Pure aesthetics seen as frivolous, including non-functional art (TNG Novel: Resistance)