Sabre (class)

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  • Light cruiser (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
  • History
    • Initial construction: By 2370
      • Constructed at the same shipyards as the Steamrunner class (SCE Short Story: "Wildfire, Book 2")
    • First commissioned:
  • Statistics
    • Length: 160m
    • Width: 111.8m
    • Height: 62.6m
  • Crew: 42
    • Standard SCE crew assignment (SCE)
      • Command crew
        • Commanding officer
        • Executive officer/SCE liaison
        • Second officer/Assistant SCE liaison
      • Bridge crew (alpha/beta/gamma shift)
        • Flight controller
        • Operations officer
        • Tactical officer
      • Departments
        • Engineering
          • Chief engineer
          • Transporter chief
          • Thirteen engineering staff
            • May or may not include assistant CE
        • Medical
          • Chief medical officer
          • Two medical staff
            • May or may not include assistant CMO
        • Security
          • Chief security officer
          • Nine security staff
            • May or may not include assistant CSO
        • Science
          • Linguist
          • Sociology/xenoanthropology specialist
          • Three science staff
    • Cruising speed: Warp 6
    • Maximum speed: Warp 9.7, 12 hours (Reference: "Deep Space Nine Technical Manual")
      • Internal nacelle configuration, reducing overall mass and increasing maneuverability (TNG Novel: The Battle of Betazed)
    • Identical warp core model as the Steamrunner class (SCE Short Story: "Wildfire, Book 2")
    • Armament
      • 4x type-X phaser arrays
      • 2x standard torpedo launchers
  • Layout
    • 6 decks
      • Deck 1
        • Bridge
        • Captain's ready room
      • Deck 2
        • Main shuttlebay (SCE Short Story: "Enigma Ship")
          • Bay doors face fore of vessel (SCE Short Story: "Enigma Ship")
      • Deck 3
        • Forward sensor control room (SCE Short Story: "Wildfire, Book 1")
        • Science lab (SCE Short Story: "Wildfire, Book 1")
        • At least six sections (SCE Short Story: "Wildfire, Book 1")
      • Deck 5
        • Main transporter room (SCE Short Story: "Oaths")
      • Unknown
        • Auxiliary shuttlebay (SCE Short Story: "Wildfire, Book 2")

Known ships

Name Registry Service Begin Service End
USS da Vinci NCC-81623 2370 (2381)
USS Yeager NCC-81947 (2373) (2373)
USS Bhutto (2381) 2381
USS Katana (2375) 2375
USS Khwarizmi 2370 (2381)
USS Marco Polo (2376) (2376)
USS Musgrave 2370 (2383)
USS Scimitar (2375) (2375)
USS T'Pora 2370 (2381)
USS Tulwar (2375) (2375)