Starbase 47 (Vanguard)

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  • Watchtower-class station (VAN Novel: Harbinger)
  • Sector command post for Taurus Reach (Vanguard)
  • Located in open space (Vanguard)
  • Construction begun February 2263 following discovery of the Shedai meta-genome by the USS Constellation (VAN Novel: Harbinger)
    • Construction completed c.April 2265 (VAN Novel: Harbinger)
  • Destroyed: 2268 (VAN Novel: Storming Heaven)
  • Located within Taurus Reach (Vanguard)
    • Approximately eight weeks from Earth at warp 6 (OS) (VAN Novel: Harbinger)
      • Nearly three months at warp 5 (OS) (VAN Novel: Open Secrets)
    • Almost nine weeks from Vulcan (VAN Novel: Open Secrets)
    • 78 hours at high warp from Ravanar system (VAN Novel: Harbinger)
    • One week from Boam at moderate warp (VAN Novel: Summon the Thunder)
    • 3 days from Yerad at moderate warp (VAN Novel: Summon the Thunder)
    • 6 days from Jinoteur at high warp (VAN Novel: Reap the Whirlwind)
  • Three shift system
    • Alpha shift: 0700-1500
    • Beta shift: 1500-2300
    • Gamma shift: 2300-0700 (VAN Novel: Open Secrets)


Command crew

Department heads

Ops staff

Gamma shift

JAG division

Medical division

Science division

Security division

Support division



Support vessels