TR-116 Rifle

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  • Projectile weapon developed by Starfleet Security c.late 2373 (DS9: "Field of Fire"; DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil)
  • Propels a 10mm monotanium bullet via chemical reaction (DS9: "Field of Fire"; DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil; Destiny Novel: Lost Souls)
    • Intended for deployment in scenarios where energy-based weapons are ineffective
      • Environmental difficulties such as dampening fields, radiogenic environments, duonetic fields (DS9: "Field of Fire")
      • Targets resistant to energy weapons such as Borg drones, Hirogen (DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil; Destiny Novel: Lost Souls)
  • Initially provided to five starships as testbed vehicles for field deployment (DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil)
  • First noted application within USS Budapest repelling attempted Borg invasion during Battle of Sector 001 (DS9 Novel: Mission Gamma: Lesser Evil)
  • Development initially not pursued following initial testing upon development of regenerative phaser technology (DS9: "Field of Fire")
  • Development resumed following Dominion War (TNG Novel: A Time to Heal; Destiny Novel: Lost Souls)
  • Following enhancements developed by the serial killer Chu'lak, inertia-neutral microtransporter attachments were made standard enhancements (TNG Novel: A Time to Heal)
    • When coupled with an exogenic targeting sensor, allows for targeting and strike targets through solid barriers (TNG Novel: A Time to Heal)
      • Not horrifying at all