Tom Paris

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  • Full Name: Thomas Eugene Paris
  • Born: 2346; California, United States of America, Earth (VOY Novel: Mosaic, Pathways)
    • 2342 by Mosaic chapter 16 part 2, but contradicts chapter 14 part 1
  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Father: Owen Paris
  • Mother: Julia Paris
  • Sister: Moira Paris
  • Sister: Kathleen Paris
  • 2364: Cadet, Starfleet Academy
    • Major in astrophysics (VOY: "Future's End")
  • December 2367: Involved in training incident at Caldik Prime which resulted in death of two cadets (VOY Novel: Mosaic, Pathways; VOY: "Caretaker")
    • Senior in the Academy at the time per Mosaic'
  • September 2368: Ensign, alpha shift conn officer, Starfleet; USS Exeter (VOY: "Non Sequitur")
  • Lieutenant junior grade, alpha shift conn officer, Starfleet; USS Exeter (VOY Novel: Pathways)
  • Mid-2369: Dishonorably discharged (VOY: "Caretaker"; VOY Novel: Pathways)
    • Following revelation as cause of Academy incident due to pilot error (VOY Novel: Pathways)
  • Mid-2370: Begins association with Maquis (VOY: "Non Sequitur")
    • Some time after March, given that Paris was in Chakotay's cell per "Caretaker"
  • Mid-2370: Recaptured by Starfleet (VOY: "Non Sequitur")
    • Tried, convicted of treason (VOY: "Non Sequitur")
    • Sentenced to 18 months at Federation Penal Settlement, New Zealand, Earth (VOY: "Non Sequitur")
  • April 18, 2371: Recruited by Captain Kathryn Janeway to aid in retrieving Val Jean (VOY: "Caretaker")
  • April 26, 2371: Lieutenant junior grade, alpha shift conn officer, Starfleet; USS Voyager (VOY: "Caretaker")