USS Farragut (NCC-1702)
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- Name: USS Farragut
- Registry: NCC-1702
- Class: Constitution
- Fleet: Starfleet
- Active by 2256 (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")
- Suffered severe casualties in Rimbor Engagement, 2264 (TNG Novel: Worf's First Adventure)
- 79 dead, 83 injured (TNG Novel: Worf's First Adventure)
Command crew
- Commanding officer
- - 2256: NFN Garrovick
- Executive officer
- - 2256 - : NFN Cheng
- Second officer
Department heads
- Chief engineer
- Chief medical officer
- Chief science officer
- Chief of security
Bridge staff
Alpha shift
- Communications
- Helmsman
- Navigator
Beta shift
Gamma shift
Engineering division
Medical division
Science division
Security division
- Phaser operator
- - 2256: James Kirk
- - 2256 - : Michael Fuller