USS Thelian (NCC-26047)

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  • Name: USS Thelian
  • Registry: NCC-26047
  • Class: Ambassador
  • Fleet: Starfleet
  • Crew: ~700 (TNG Novel: The Buried Age)
  • Active by October 2363 (TNG Novel: The Buried Age)
  • Destroyed: October 25, 2363, Kirisha system (TNG Novel: The Buried Age)
    • Destroyed in combat with Carnelian forces (TNG Novel: The Buried Age)


Command crew

  • Commanding officer
  • Executive officer
  • Second officer

Department heads

  • Chief engineer
  • Chief medical officer
  • Chief science officer
  • Chief of security
  • Counselor
  • Operations manager

Bridge staff

Alpha shift

  • Duty officer
  • Conn officer
  • Relief conn officer
  • Ops officer
  • Relief ops officer
  • Tactical officer

Beta shift

  • Duty officer
  • Conn officer
  • Relief conn officer
  • Ops officer
  • Tactical officer

Gamma shift

  • Duty officer
  • Conn officer
  • Ops officer
  • Tactical officer

Engineering division

Medical division

Science division

Security division