Vkruk (ship)

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  • Name: Reman Free Vessel Vkruk
    • Original name not specified (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
  • Class: Shirekral
  • Complement: 30 (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
  • Originally Romulan military vessel (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
    • Decommissioned early 23rd century (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
    • Captured, repurposed 2380 by Remans still loyal to Shinzon (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
      • Named "Vkruk" for Shinzon's viceroy (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
      • Claimed as refugee ship (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
    • Destroyed March 15, 2380 in suicide attack against Earth Outpost 22 (Novel: Articles of the Federation)
