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Revision as of 21:55, 21 September 2015
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Newest Articles
- 21:02, 10 February 2025 Hiam (hist | edit) [195 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Full Name: Hiam * Species: Neyel * Gender: Female * By January 2380: Defense subdrech'tor, Neyel Hegemony (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') Hiam Hiam")
- 20:54, 10 February 2025 Karatek (hist | edit) [177 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Historical or mythical figure in Romulan culture (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') ** Used in the epithet "Karatek's bones" (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') Category:Romulan")
- 20:42, 10 February 2025 Rokhelh (hist | edit) [450 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* VI security systems used on Romulan Star Navy starship computer systems for cyberwarfare defense (S31 Novel: ''Rogue''; TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') ** General level of sophistication keeps them on the bubble of self-awareness (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') *** Any signs of self-awareness result in purging and replacing of rokhelh software (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') Category:Romulan Star Navy Category:Technology Category:Virtual Intelligences")
- 19:35, 10 February 2025 Daehla (hist | edit) [277 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Full name: Daehla * Species: Romulan * Gender: Female * By December 2379: Science specialist, First Legion, Romulan Guard; IRW Valdore (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') Daehla Daehla Daehla")
- 19:49, 20 January 2025 IRW Ra'khoi (hist | edit) [284 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Facts== * Name: IRW Ra'khoi * Class: D'deridex * Fleet: Romulan Star Navy * Active by November 2379 (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') ==Crew== ===Command crew=== ===Department heads=== ===Bridge officers=== Ra'khoi")
- 19:02, 20 January 2025 Haaj (hist | edit) [289 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Full Name: Haaj * Species: Tellarite * Gender: Male * November 2379: Counselor, Starfleet; USS Titan (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') Haaj Haaj Haaj Haaj")
- 07:42, 17 January 2025 Subspace-interphase pocket (hist | edit) [505 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Rare interstellar phenomenon in which a subspace pocket impinges beyond the multiverse and into de Sitter space, resulting in interphasic properties (DS9: "Playing God") ** ''Description based on name and properties shown in text, along with other known properties of interphase'' ** ''Originally named "subspace interphase pocket" in text, inclusion of hyphen conjectural so as to better describe the nature of the phenomenon'' Category:Subspace Cat...")
- 07:39, 17 January 2025 Protouniverse (hist | edit) [657 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Recently-formed disjoint universe which was accidentally pulled into the prime universe by the USS Mekong from a subspace interphase pocket in the Gamma Quadrant in 2370 (DS9: "Playing God") * Subsequent development of the protouniverse threatened to displace the B'hava'el system, and the universe as a whole (DS9: "Playing God") ** Destroying it was deemed unacceptable due to early evidence of life of some form (DS9: "Playing God") * Despite difficulty...")
- 12:50, 15 January 2025 De Sitter space (hist | edit) [609 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Higher-dimension meta-etheric space within which all known multiverses form and are located (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') ** Named for the [ ''n''-dimensional mathematical construct] developed by Willem de Sitter and Albert Einstein, and independently by Tullio Levi-Civita *** This construct is the maximally-symmetric vacuum solution to Einstein's field equations, and in a sense is thus the generic description of a given ''n...")
- 12:34, 15 January 2025 Sleeper (hist | edit) [1,264 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Protouniverse which impinged on the Universe c.January 2380 as a result of the opening of the Great Bloom (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') ** Named for a mythological god common to many species indigenous to the region said to form the galaxy through its dreams and banish it upon awakening (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') * Emergence caused spatial disruption throughout the Small Magellanic Cloud near the Great Bloom's terminus (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') ** Pr...")
- 03:31, 12 January 2025 Thalisar the Last (hist | edit) [409 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Full Name: Thalisar the Last * Born: Andor * Species: Andorian * First and last monarch of Andor (DS9 Novel: ''Andor: Paradigm'') ** United the world's warring clans (DS9 Novel: ''Andor: Paradigm'') ** Made a number of noted speeches during his reign (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') Thalisar the Last Thalisar the Last Thalisar the Last")
- 21:54, 5 January 2025 Klingon mind-sifter (hist | edit) [1,103 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Device developed within the Klingon Empire by the 23rd century (TOS: "Errand of Mercy") * Allows analysis of the thoughts of other humanoid beings (TOS: "Errand of Mercy") ** At least four levels of intensity (TOS: "Errand of Mercy") *** Lowest level allows the scanning of surface thoughts (TOS: "Errand of Mercy") *** Highest level actively extracts thoughts and memories, generally leaving the subject in a vegetative state (TOS: "Errand of Mercy") * Potentially bas...")
- 21:24, 5 January 2025 IRW Draco (hist | edit) [278 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Facts== * Name: IRW Draco * Fleet: Romulan Star Navy * Active by c.2370 (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') ==Crew== ===Command crew=== * Commanding officer ** - c.2370 - : T'Reth ===Department heads=== ===Bridge officers=== Draco")
- 21:23, 5 January 2025 T'Reth (hist | edit) [255 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Full name: T'Reth * Species: Romulan * c.2370: Commander, commanding officer, First Legion, Romulan Guard; IRW Draco (TTN Novel: ''The Red King'') T'Reth T'Reth T'Reth")
- 20:10, 5 January 2025 Constellations (hist | edit) [572 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Bajoran== * The Flames (DS9 Novel: ''Mission Gamma: Twilight'') * The Forest (DS9 Novel: ''Mission Gamma: Twilight'') * The Runners (DS9 Novel: ''Mission Gamma: Twilight'') * The Temple (DS9 Novel: ''Mission Gamma: Twilight'') ==Berengarian== * Maxia (TNG Novel: ''The Buried Age'') ==Rigelian== * Verti (ENT Novel: ''A Choice of Futures'') Category:Cultural topics")
Newest Categories
- 12:35, 15 January 2025 Category:Disjoint Universes (hist | edit) [267 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Universes (technically, multiverses) disjoint from the Multiverse but located within its shared de Sitter space")
- 20:59, 26 December 2024 Category:Edosians (hist | edit) [30 bytes] Idran (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:People by Species")