Dominion War

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  • Initial conflict occurred July 30, 2373 upon entry of Cardassian Union into the Dominion (DS9: "By Inferno's Light")
    • Prior to official beginning of hostilities, explicit illicit actions against Alpha Quadrant forces by the Dominion had been occurring since first contact, 2370
      • December 31, 2370: Official first contact, destruction of USS Odyssey (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar")
      • October 2371: Decimation of Tal Shiar and Obsidian Order (DS9: "The Die is Cast")
      • Mid-December 2371: Attempt on instigating new Federation/Tzenkethi War 2371 (DS9: "The Adversary")
      • Early 2372: Instigation of Federation-Klingon War 2372
      • May 2372: Instigation of attempted Starfleet coup (DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost")
  • Core forces:
  • December 31, 2375: Official surrender of the Dominion (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")
    • Withdrawal of Dominion forces from the Alpha Quadrant proceeded shortly thereafter