Earth Outpost 2

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  • Near Earth Outpost 1 (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
  • Constructed 2155 (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
  • Initially served as observation post for Romulan space (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
  • Retasked 2160 as border outpost for newly-established Romulan Neutral Zone (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
    • Improved armament and defenses, increased civilian and Starfleet crew presence (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
  • Crew complement
    • 2160: 60, including civilian, Earth Starfleet, and MACO personnel (ENT Novel: To Brave the Storm)
    • 2161: 60, including civilian and Starfleet personnel
  • Destroyed: February 26, 2266 (TOS: "Balance of Terror")
    • Romulan attack in testing of prototype vessel IRW Algeron (TOS: "Balance of Terror"; PRM Novel: Fire with Fire)