(Redirected from Federation Ambassadors)
Alonis to the Federation
- Tel Ammanis Lent ( - 2376 - )
Andorian Empire
Andorian to United Earth
- Anlenthoris ch'Vhendreni ( - 2155)
- NFN Sarahd ( - 2161 - )
Cardassian Union
Cardassian to the Federation
- Natima Lang ( - 2376 - )
Carrea to the Federation
- Alfear Yorgas ( - 2379 - 2380 - )
Confederacy of Vulcan
Vulcan to the Andorian Empire
- V'Lar (2058 - 2090 - )
Vulcan to United Earth
Vulcan to Mazar
- V'Lar ( - 2152)
Danteri Empire
Danteri to the Federation
- Ryjaan ( - 2373 - )
Deltan Union
- Tierra ( - 2379 - 2380 - )
Ferengi Alliance
Ferengi to the Federation
- Derro ( - 2379 - )
Gideon to the Federation
- Hodin (2268)
Gorn Hegemony
Gorn to the Federation
- Zogozin ( - 2379 - )
Iyaar to the Federation
Kes to the Federation
- Mauric (2370)
Klingon Empire
- Lugok ( - 2265 - )
Klingon to the Federation
Klingon to Nimbus III
- Korrd ( - 2287)
Krios Prime
- Briam ( - 2368 - )
Rigelian Trade Commission
Rigel to the Coalition of Planets
- Boda Jahlet (2155 - 2161)
Rigel to the Federation
- Boda Jahlet (2161 - 2164)
Romulan Star Empire
Romulan to the Federation
Romulan to Nimbus III
- Caithlin Dar (2287)
Tholian Assembly
Tholian at-large
- Sesrene ( - 2265 - )
Tholian to the Klingon Empire
- Tolrene ( - 2265 - )
Trill to the Federation
- Norvo Odan ( - early 2200s - )
- Seljin Gandres ( - 2376 - )
Troyius to Elas
- Petri ( - 2268 - )
Tzenkethi Coalition
Tzenketh to the Federation
- Emra ( - c.2370 - 2380 - )
United Federation of Planets
- Solkar (2161 - 2164)
- Boda Jahlet (2164 - )
- Sarek (2212 - 2366)
- Robert April (2250 - 2270)
- Jetanien ( - 2265 - )
- Robert Fox ( - 2266 - 2273 - )
- Gav ( - 2267)
- Shras Endilev ( - 2267 - )
- Spock (2300 - Present)
- NFN Odan ( - 2337 - )
- Lwaxana Troi (2356 - Present)
- Riva ( - 2365 - )
- NFN Odan ( - 2367)
- Kareel Odan (2367 - 2376)
- Ves Alkar ( - 2369)
- Lojal ( - 2369 - 2376 - )
- Taxco ( - 2369 - )
- Vadosia ( - 2369 - )
- Theodore Krajensky ( - 2371)
- Uree ( - 2376 - )
- Telek ( - 2378 - )
- NFN Evol ( - 2378 - )
- Colton Morrow ( - 2378 - 2380 - )
- Lagan Serra ( - 2379)
Federation to the Andorian Empire
- Jonathan Archer (2169 - 2175)
Federation to the Klingon Empire
- Curzon Dax (2289 - 2346 - )
- K'Ehleyr (2366 - 2367)
- Worf (2376 - 2379)
- Alexander Rozhenko (2379 - Present)
Federation to Mordan IV
- NFN Hawkins ( - 2364 - )
Federation to Nimbus III
- St. John Talbot ( - 2285 - 2287)
Federation to Tezwa
- Lagan Serra (2379 - 2380 - )
United Planets of Tellar
Tellar to the Andorian Empire
- Gora bim Gral ( - 2154)
Tellar to the Coalition of Planets
- Gora bim Gral (2155 - 2161)
Tellar to United Earth
- Gora bim Gral (2154 - 2155)
Visalayan to the Federation
- Kollos ( - 2268 - )